NZ MODERN SCHOOL OF MUSIC is a long-standing organisation which provides music tuition throughout New Zealand. We have 75 progressive music teachers that provide tuition from their home studio and/or in schools, throughout the Auckland and Whangarei regions.

What we do to set you up as a NZ Modern School of Music teacher

  • Provide you with information on how to operate

  • Advertise for students through our promotional channels

  • Work with schools to provide in-school lessons

  • Give you access to our own NZ Modern School of Music tutor books

  • Provide Practical and Theory examinations for pupils

  • Run annual music competitions

  • Provide support in all areas of teaching

  • Hours to suit your lifestyle

We have an amazing group of Music Teachers who support each other and have developed ongoing friendships within the business. We are focused on providing quality music lessons to students throughout our region. 

NZMSM method is unique, fun and creative.  Pupils gain life-long skills to read, arrange and perform their favourite music.

If you think this is something that would suit, we would love to talk to you. We are interested in people that have the below qualities. 

  • Have a sound knowledge of music (practical and theory)

  • Can play any one of the above instruments

  • Have a pleasant personality

  • Would like to work from home

  • Would like an opportunity also to go to a school to teach during school hours



We will interview you via zoom.  Zoom interview involves you playing the instrument(s) to us, and also to show us your teaching area (an OSH check). Also in the interview we will explain how it works to teach under our school, and answer any questions you have. Please note that even if you wish to teach at a school, you need to be able to teach from your home. Also note that you are essentially self-employed and are responsible for running your music teaching business.  But we will help you in any way we can!

The teaching area and the way to get there must be clean, tidy, safe, free of obstacles, and must not have a bed.  Also it should be free of interruption such as family members walking through or making a big noise from the next room.


Once you have signed the contract, we will give you all the sample books of your instrument(s) (‘Teacher’s Kit). You start working through the theory books (NZMSM Theory books Grades 1 – 4) to prepare for the preliminary Teacher Entrance Exam.  Passing this exam, you will receive a certificate that says you are a registered teacher of NZ Modern School of Music, and you can hang it on the wall of your teaching room.  There is no cost to you to sit this exam.

In the meantime, we will start sending pupils to you if they are from your area.  You are able to start teaching, once we receive a clean police check result. Your area is yours only and there is no competition with another teacher of NZMSM.  Sometimes a teacher has left your area, in which case there are pupils for you immediately.  Other times it is a slow build-up.

We will put your photo and profile on our website, and also on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/NZMSMAuckland to promote you.


We will give you New Pupil Interview Form, NZMSM Welcome Letter, Invoice and Receipt books so you don’t have to prepare anything to enrol a pupil. 

At the initial meeting you will do the paperwork and invoice them for the number of lessons they can have in the current term.  Fees are paid in advance as a term fee, and paid to you directly.

You assess the pupil’s age and ability, and determine what NZMSM book suits them (you have the sample books in your Teacher’s Kit).  Then order the pupil’s copy from us.  Make sure you add the price for the book in your invoice.


During the term you keep records of all your pupils’ attendance.  At the end of the term, you have to fill the ‘Timesheet’ with the pupils’ details and how many lessons they have had in the term.  Based on this we will invoice you your royalty for the term.  Royalty is like a franchise fee for enabling you to teach under our banner and all the services we provide.  But our royalty is calculated against your income from lessons and not a set fee.  It will come much cheaper to work this way than trying to run advertisements, branding, getting materials, running events etc.


Probably soon after you join, there will be one of our school events.  One of them will be Teacher Meeting & Workshop.  We hold them once a school term, so 4 times a year.  You are required to attend as there will be important announcements, exam entry forms are distributed etc, and more than anything it is an opportunity to network with other teachers and gain valuable information, and friendship.  On the same day we will have facilitators to run upskilling workshops for piano/keyboard/guitar.  Separate workshops for voice, drums, violin may be organized separately.  These workshops are free of charge.

In the first year of your teaching, you may not have any pupil ready to enter our competition, theory or practical exams.  But we will be encouraging you to do so the following year, and we have mentors to hold small group sessions to take you through the exam process.


We regularly contact schools in Auckland and Whangarei where we don’t send music teachers, to start having lessons in those schools.  If you have showed interest in going to a school, we will work with you to start teaching at a school.  Lessons at schools suit the parents as they don’t have to drive their kids to after-school lessons. 

Schools like us as they can see how well their pupil are doing at our competitions, exams and concerts.  Pupils get presented certificates, medals and trophies from their principals at assemblies if you can organize it with the principal.

There will be a small donation to pay to the school for the use of the room, heating, toilets etc.


You don’t have to do anything to promote yourself or advertise, as we do them for you, but that is not to stop you from telling everyone on your facebook or other social media that you are now a music teacher.

We also can get some flyers printed for you to do a paper run, or we have a fence sign for you to put up at the front of your house.  The key is to get the word out!

Then when you start to get pupils, the best way to build up your business is to make these first pupils really happy.  Make the lessons fun and get them engaged and have fun.  Then they will stay with you long term.  A sign of a good teacher is that the same name stays on their timesheet for a long time!  Then these pupils will start to bring their siblings, cousins, neighbours and school friends.  Word of mouth is a powerful promotion tool.